The Little Book of Shane Warne

The Little Book of Shane Warne

Published by:
OH! An imprint of Welbeck Non-Fiction Limited


Pages: 192

MRP: £5.99


What a dreadful day 4 March 2022 was for the cricketing world, and especially Australia. News filtered through in the morning in England that Rod Marsh had died and, to my knowledge, a tribute was placed on Twitter by Shane Warne. It seemed scarcely credible that, a few hours later, we would be reading that the same Shane Warne had also died suddenly, aged just 52.

One question often asked is who was Australia's best (Test) captain, who wasn't? Both Marsh and Warne could, alongside Keith Miller, lay considerable claim to the epithet. Both were rousing players and both were held in the highest esteem.

Orange Hippo! have produced this very nice tribute to the late leg-spinner. It is a little book too, but is packed full of sayings both by Warne and other cricketers, both team-mates and opponents. It will doubtless show a life well lived, albeit sadly a short one.

The book shows Shane's warm and very generous personality, something perhaps easily missed when watching him on the field. Yes, there was fallibility but didn't he always seem so human? If not already known, a decent human being too. Six chapters of quotes sum up Shane's views on life and cricket and should, at times, amuse and inform. Shane Warne can never be thanked enough for his immense contribution and impact on the game and this book, through those comments of his contemporaries, certainly brings this home.

Some might be disappointed to read that his first ball in England, to Mike Gatting, was a fluke. Whatever, the delivery itself was nonetheless pretty decent and will forever live in the memory. The cricket world will miss Warne and this tribute to him is indeed a very pleasant little book which will keep his memory - and views - very much alive.